Moving Ahead and Fighting for the Future

matt-taibi-200-225Message from Matt Taibi

Welcome to the new Local 251 website. Members voted for new leadership and a new direction in our union last fall. Your new leadership team took office on January 1. Local 251 members are stepping up and together we are getting our union back on track.

As promised, your leadership team has cut the salaries of Local 251 officers and business agents by more than $300,000 a year. These funds will be put to work for you, organizing to win good contracts, representing members, and enforcing your rights.

Local 251 is your union. Members are choosing their Contract Negotiating Committees and shop steward elections are being held and scheduled.

More than 110 stewards filled our Union Hall for a Shop Steward seminar. I felt proud to see shop stewards—new and old—coming together to make plans to enforce members’ rights.

Local 251 Power won’t be rebuilt overnight. But we’re moving in the right direction thanks to stewards and members who are stepping up, getting involved and making a difference.

Come out to union meetings. File a grievance. Get involved.  It’s time to come together and move ahead.

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